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Pompey’s Pillar

When did the Romans build the Pompey Column?

The Romans built the Pompey Column in 297 AD. In honor of Emperor Diocletian, on the occasion of Domitius’ revolt against Rome in June/July 297.

Although لthey call it  the Column of Pompey,They built the column in the Corinthian style in 1977, to commemorate the victory of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (244-311). Against the Alexandria Revolution.

However, the Romans did not give this column a name in the Roman era, but rather they got this name from the Crusaders who believed that they had built it on the place where they buried the Roman general Janius Pompeius Magnus.

Where is the Column of Pompey located?

A few steps from the catacombs, in the poor neighborhood of Karmuz, are the ruins of the Serapeum, easily recognizable by the clear shape of the Column of Pompeii.

The column is about 30 meters high and built of red Aswan granite.

The column is located on a rocky plateau in stark contrast to the surrounding Serapeum ruins. The steps leading from the column merge with the ruins of the temple.

There are also two sphinxes near the base of Pompeii’s column, surmounted by a Corinthian capital. It was mistakenly christened as such by the Crusaders who thought it was built on the spot where the remains of the Roman general Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus were kept. In fact, they built it in honor of Diocletian.

According to tradition, the column was part of a temple, built of concrete and covered with metals and precious stones, and reached via a 100-step staircase

What is so special about the Column of Pompeii?

The most important feature of the Pompey Column in Alexandria, Egypt is the precision of its workmanship, whether it is the one-piece cylindrical body, the ornate capital, or the massive base bearing an inscription in Greek containing the column’s dedication to Emperor Diocletian.

Most of the remains around the column are on display in the Greco-Roman Museum. The visitor will not expect the greatness and splendor of the column until he stands next to it.

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When was The Citadel of Qaitbay built?

Mamluk Sultan Al-Ashraf Al-Ansari Qaytbay built the Fortress in 1477 AD and he completed it in just two years. He named This Citadel after his name in memory of him.

Some believed that this structure appeared on the site of one of the seven wonders of the world. Historians say that the Lighthouse of Alexandria was erected in the same place.

It is clear that to build this Citadel. they used the remaining parts of the lighthouse itself.

The reason behind Sultan Qaytbay’s desire to build this Citadel.was the imminent need to fortify the city of Alexandria and in general the borders, including maritime ones as in this case of the Egyptian country.

Which saw itself threatened by the emerging Ottoman power.

When did they restore Qaitbay Citadel?

In 1805, when Pasha Muhammad Ali began ruling Egypt, he completely restored the Alexandria Citadel.

Moreover, he filled it with new modern weapons, including castle artillery. For LaForteza, the arrival of Muhammad Ali marked a “golden age.” In 1879-1882 British forces occupied the castle. Which resulted in serious damage to it. It remained in this state until 1904, until the reign of King Farouk. He really wanted to turn the castle into a major entertainment center. At the beginning of the revolution in 1952, the castle was transferred to the Maritime Museum. Since 1984, the government has undertaken a major and extensive restoration operation at Qaitbay.

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What will we see inside Qaitbay Citadel?

On the first floor there is a mosque. The plan of the mosque included a courtyard with 4 iwans.That is, 4 rectangular rooms with a domed ceiling.Surrounded by walls on three sides, and one wall was completely open.

– The King’s Throne Room is located on the third floor

On the third floor, next to the mill, there was also the oven, where they kneaded bread for the soldiers’ supplies. In fact, the soldiers lived inside the castle, which was self-sufficient in terms of food.

In the basement of the castle, you can also enjoy seeing the huge water storage tank designated for this purpose.

Exceptional Alexandria& Food tour

The Catacombs

The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa are one of the most important historical attractions in Alexandria.And one of the most visited by tourists visiting Egypt.

When did they build the catacombs?

They discovered the structure again in September 1900, when a donkey wandering around the outskirts of Alexandria stumbled on unstable ground. Unable to regain his balance, the unlucky explorer fell into the access hatch of the ancient tomb.

The bodies of the deceased would have been lowered down the center of this circular shaft on ropes. The staircase leads to a rotunda with a central well that pierces the gloom of the flooded basement. The rotunda would have led only to the triclinium (on your left) and the main tomb chamber (straight ahead).

When they first built the catacombs in the second century AD, most likely as a family crypt. However, over the course of 300 years, they penetrated more rooms from the tomb. It was transformed into a cell capable of housing more than 300 bodies.

Exceptional Alexandria& Food tour

Las catatumbas de Kom El Shocafa

Food Tour in Alexandria

Our food tour in Alexandria is ideal for those looking to organize specialty food and beverage tours for all visitors to Egypt, particularly food lovers from around the world.

Discover local Egyptian culture, eat at restaurants only locals visit, and see great historical sites that few people get to see.

Our food tours, combined with our knowledge of Egypt’s most beautiful natural treasures, rank among the most exciting in the Mediterranean.

Our Alexandria food tour also includes a stop at one of the oldest and most famous eastern desserts, as well as a special stop at one of Alexandria’s delicious ice cream shops where you can choose your favorite flavor.

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