Capitals of Ancient Egypt

Wonderful Capitals of Ancient Egypt, Explore Egypt Tours. Ancient Egypt had several capitals throughout its history. Explore Egypt Tours presents this article about the capitals of ancient Egypt from the 1st dynasty to the 30th dynasty. These capitals are Memphis, Ahnasia, Thebes (first part of the Middle Kingdom), Itjtawy, Avaris, Thebes (The New Kingdom), Akhetaten, […]

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Cairo – Part One

Wonderful Cairo–Part One,the most beautiful places in Egypt. Explore Egypt Tours is pleased to present Cairo’s several destinations to show you some of these wonderful landmarks to enjoy and know more about it. This article is the first one in a series of articles about tourist places that worth a visit in wonderful Cairo. 1) […]

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Cairo – Part Two

Wonderful Cairo – Part Two Explore Egypt Tours is pleased to present Cairo’s several destinations to show you some of these wonderful landmarks to enjoy and know more about it. This article is the 2nd one in a series of articles about tourist places that worth a visit in Cairo.  1) The Citadel of Saladin […]

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Cairo – Part Three

Wonderful Cairo – Part 3 Explore Egypt Tours is pleased to present Cairo’s several destinations to show you some of these wonderful landmarks to enjoy and know more about it. This article is the 3rd one in a series of articles about tourist places that worth a visit in Cairo. 1 – National Museum of Egyptian […]

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Who are we?

Who are we? 1 of the most flexible travel companies in Egypt Explore Egypt Tours welcomes you and organizes all tours in Egypt from north to south, east to west.We are very flexible with our valuable guests, answering all their questions.  We do not only guides for places and history … We are also guides for all sides […]

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Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus on Mars!!!

Wonderful Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus on Mars!!! First of all, We have heard about Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus discovered on Mars, is that right? we need to know What is an Egyptian sarcophagus? What is the difference between a coffin and a sarcophagus? How did the Egyptians make a sarcophagus? and what’s the secrets between pharaohs and Mars??? […]

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Tipping in Egypt – Explore Egypt Tours

Wonderful Tipping is 1 of the ancient customs in Egypt. Tipping is expected and appreciated everywhere in Egypt – it is not just for tourists.  Some Egyptians call it Baqshesh. Tipping is an expression of your appreciation for another person and their efforts on your behalf.  While out of politeness, you are told it is at […]

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The History of Alexandria in Egypt

5 Questions about Amazing History of Alexandria. Alexandria called the bride of the Mediterranean, located in the north of Egypt, and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.  It is considered the second capital of Egypt due to its importance.  What was Alexandria in Alexander the Great era? While Alexander the Great was doing his conquests to expand his […]

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Stay Home and Explore Egypt Online

16 Facts about the most wonderful tombs in Egypt on online. The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities is launching an initiative in collaboration with its partners from scientific and archaeological institutes under the slogan: “Experience Egypt from Home. Stay Home. Stay Safe”. This initiative is a series of virtual reality tours for museums and archaeological […]

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